Thursday, 31 March 2016

Our Penguin Artwork

Food chains and Penguin diagrams

We wanted to know what who eats who in Antarctica, so we researched what each animal eats. We made a food chain of some of the animals.

Our Penguin diagrams. 

Micah's Pumpkin

Today we cut up Micah’s enormous pumpkin.  We cut it in half so we could investigate what the inside was like.   

We discovered the seeds were suspended inside the pumpkin by fibrous, slimy strands.

We thought the strands looked like spider webs. 

We pulled out a huge pile of seeds.

We are drying out the seeds and soon we will take home some pumpkin seeds to plant.

We each took home a bag of pumpkin pieces.  

Thanks Micah!

Blubber Hands

We wondered how penguins keep warm when they live and swim in such cold water. We learnt that they have a layer of blubber to keep them warm. On land they huddle together with their friends to keep warm. Penguins' feathers also help to keep them warm, when it gets cold, penguins can puff their feathers out to trap more air for even better insulation.
We wanted to find out how blubber works.

We had lots of ice. The ice looked like icebergs and the water was freezing cold.

We put our hands in the icy water. The water was very cold!

We made a "blubber glove" by putting fat in a bag. We put our hand in another bag and then put it into the bag of fat.

We put our blubber hand in the water. It wasn't cold and kept us warm!

We learnt that other animals in Antarctica, like Orca and seals, have blubber to keep them warm too.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Hampton Hill School Bike Track

Our bike track is nearly finished.  It has been an exciting time with diggers, trucks and rollers working on our field.  The container has been put into place and the next step will be to get the school bikes and learn how to use the bike track safely.

Thursday, 24 March 2016

Micah's Pumpkin

Micah and his Dad grew an enormous pumpkin.  It weighs 19.4 kg.  They entered it into the Big Pumpkin Contest at Mitre 10.  They have very kindly offered to let us carve up the pumpkin to investigate what is inside.  The children will be bringing home seeds to plant in their garden at home.  Thank you Micah.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Writing in Room One

Walking Safely Programme

On Monday and Tuesday Constable Andi came to speak to us about road safety. We learnt about how to walk safely to school. We learnt that we need to stop and look both ways to cross a road and check it is safe to cross drive ways. She taught us about being safe around cars and how to know if a car is reversing by looking for five signs:

·       Lights on
·       Driver
·       Exhaust
·       Movement
·       Engine noise. 
To help your children with road safety, continue to help them remember the rules of crossing the road and ask your child the five things to look out for when crossing a ‘sneaky driveway’.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

Music With Jo

We learnt about the music terms crescendo (quiet to loud) and Decrescendo (loud to quiet). 

We practised with our bodies.  Quiet being small and growing bigger into loud.

Jo showed us how we can make music from household items.

We enjoyed experimenting with different sounds by hitting the spoons in different places.

When we tried using a wooden spoon, we found it made a different sound from the metal spoon.

Thank you Jo.